Getting paid for your appointments through Paypal is easy with the Pro versions of hitAppoint appointment scheduling software. Please go to Payments > Payment Gateways area of your control panel.

Get to payments gateway configuration

You will see a list of payment gateways available for you. Find Paypal and click Activate.

Activate Paypal payment option

A simple settings form will appear. You will need to specify your Paypal email address, and the label for the button that will be presented to your customers when they are going to pay online for their appointments.

Paypal settings form

After you have at least one online payment option enabled, you will be able to configure your settings to require a deposit when your customers are scheduling appointments with you. You can finely tune this option either for each service, for example one service needs a 100% prepayment while another one is fine with 20%, or set this option for all the services.

Require a deposit for appointment scheduling