Starting from version 6.1.0, hitAppoint offers an option to smoothly embed itself into any other PHP page, even on other websites.

You will need to make use of the hitappoint_remote.php file that is included in the main directory of hitAppoint. Copy this file to your site where you will have your appointments page. If you happen to have this page on the same server as your hitAppoint installation, then you can just remember the path to that file and include it in your target page.

Include this file and instantiate the hitAppoint remote page object. Make sure this starting code goes on the very top of your PHP page, before any output is sent to the browser because it will need to handle cookies, redirects, and downloads.

include_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/hitappoint_remote.php' );
$haremote = new Hitappoint_Remote( '' );

Then the second piece of code goes in just in place where you need your appointment system, normally in the content area of your page:

<?php echo $haremote->display(); ?>

Also make sure that your page has the <head> part as it is important to the script to include hitAppoint style and JavaScript files.

Here is a short example of the final page, for example index.php in

include_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/hitappoint_remote.php' );
$haremote = new Hitappoint_Remote( '' );
<title>Our Appointments</title>
<p>Some header stuff</p>
And here goes hitAppoint:
<?php echo $haremote->display(); ?>
<p>Some footer stuff</p>