Now you can adjust your available time that your clients will be able to book with you and your services. Please go to the Availability menu item to access your schedule configuration.

Accessing Scheduling Calendar Schedules

The install process already created a default schedule for you to help you get started. You will see your time available for scheduling appointments for every date you choose in the calendar. When you click on the time link, the availability timeslot edit form will appear.

Click To Edit Booking Timeslot

In this availability timeslot form you can edit your schedule details.

Edit Booking Timeslot

  • Time

    Here you can define the start and the end time of your timeslot, in this example you start accepting your client appointments at 9:00am and finish at 6:00pm. The Interval option means the period between the exact times available for scheduling. For example, if it is set to 15 Minutes, then your clients can book 9:00am, 9:15am, 9:30am and so on.

  • Capacity

    The number of clients that the provider can serve at a time. Usually it is 1, but if set to a bigger value, it will allow overlapping appointments.

  • Locations (Salon Pro only)

    Here you can define in which locations this provider will be offering these services during this time period. By default it is set to All, but most probably you will need to adjust this setting to link your provider to a specific location (salon, office, room etc).

  • Services

    This setting limits the set of services that the provider will offer during these times. It defaults to All so the provider is considered to be able to offer any of your services, but you may need to change this option if you have a staff specialized in a certain service (type of massage or language lesson for example).

  • Weekdays

    This one defines the days of the week when this timeslot is active. Probably you have the same working time pattern for the whole week, or you may need to work specific hours on Tuesdays and Fridays.

  • Dates

    It specifies the calendar period when this timeslot is active. If you have regular schedule, you may want to set it active up to one year or more. Otherwise you can configure this hours be available in winter, or in the tax preparation season for example.

  • Min Advance Booking

    This is the minimum time requirement prior to booking. For example, if set to 1 day then the clients will only be allowed to book appointments starting from tomorrow and not earlier.

  • Max Advance Booking

    This is the time which the clients can schedule appointments up to in the future. For example, if set to 8 weeks then the clients will not be able to choose time for booking beyond 8 weeks from now.

If you do not need this timeslot anymore, you can delete it by clicking on the red button in the bottom of the form.

Delete Schedule Timeslot

Please note that if the timeslot was configured to be active in multiple weekdays, this action will delete the available times in all the weekdays this timeslot was active. If you wish to delete the timeslot in one weekday only, please modify the Weekdays option, then click Update.

To create a new timeslot for booking, please simply click the + Add Availability button.

Add Schedule Timeslot

The new timeslot form will appear that is very similar to the one of an existing timeslot. Please note though that now there is another option named Slot Type.

Booking Time Slot Type

The default value is the Time Range which we discussed earlier when editing an existing timeslot. Another option is the Fixed Time which lets you define just exact time available for appointment scheduling. For example, you can accept client bookings at 2:00pm on Monday only.


If for some reason the provider is not available for some time, you will need to create a Timeoff for her. Just click the click the + Add Timeoff button.

Add Timeoff

The new timeoff form will appear.

New Timeoff